Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

Teresa Feo

Research Associate
Department / Division
  • Ph.D., Yale University (2015)
  • BA., University of California, Berkeley (2007)
Research Interests

My research focuses on the evolution and function of morphological diversity. I primarily study feathers using a combination collections-based research, field and lab experiments, computer simulations, and cutting-edge 3D imaging technologies. My research projects include how birds use feathers to fly, make colors, and produce sound. I have studied how modern and Mesozoic feathers function during flight, how birds of paradise make one of the darkest materials known to man, and how hummingbirds make sounds with feathers during courtship displays. My goals are to improve our understanding of the evolution of important avian behaviors, such as courtship display and flight, and to inspire the design of new biomimetic technologies, including aerial vehicles and solar cells.

Journal Article