Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History

John Fornshell

Research Associate
Department / Division
  • PhD in Oceanography, Florida State University 1975
  • M.S. Biology Florida State University 1967
  • B. S. Biology Florida State University 1965

Adjunct Biology Professor at Northern Virginia Community College and Prince George’s Community College. Treasure of the Marine Technology Society.

Research Interests

Larvae of Invertebrate animals


Acoustic signatures of three marine arthropods, Squilla mantis (Linnaeus, 1758), Homarus americanus (H. Milne Edwards, 1837), Nephrops norvegicus (Linnaeus 1758) (Arthropoda, Malacostraca) 2010 J. Marine Technology Vol 44 (5) pp. 1-14.with Alessandra Tesei and Paul D. Fox.

Morphological variability of Pleuromamma abdominalis (Copepoda, Calanoda, Metridinae) Along two latitudinal transects in the Eastern North Pacific Ocean. 2010 Crustaceana 83 (6): 753-765. With Frank D. Ferrari.

Acoustic Detection of Small Mesoplankton Such as Copepod Nauplii In the Marine Environment 2008 J. Marine Technology Vol 42 pp 62 - 64.

Key for the Identification of Crustacean Nauplii 2006 Organism Diversity and Evolution Vol 6 pp. 47 - 56. With Hans-Uwe Dahms and Ben J. Fornshell.

Planktonic Protozoan Populations of Five West Indian Reefs 2005. Atoll Research- Bulletin No 533. pp.93 - 102.

A Key to Copepod Nauplii 2005 Proceedings of the MTS/IEEE Oceans 2005 Conference. pp. 1- 4.

Diel Distribution of Copepods Across a Channel in an Overwash Mangrove Island. 2003 Hydrobiologia 499: 147-159 with Frank D. Ferrari, Lana Ong and Julie W. Ambler.

The Ocean Acoustic Environment in the Lower Chesapeake Bay: Factors Influencing the Forward Problem. 2003 Proceedings of the MTS Oceans 2003 Conference pp 565-569. With Emily M. Anderson and Karen Kelly.

Copepod Nauplii from the Barrier Reef of Belize. 1994 Hydrobiologia 292/293 pp 295 - 301.

Vertical Sound Velocity Profiles for the Northeastern Caribbean Sea. 1984 Carib. J. Sci. 20 (1-2), pp. 49 -56.